Akka cluster configuration with Akka management

You may have the configuration below in you application.conf

akka {
  discovery.kubernetes-api {
      # Namespace discovery path
      # If this path doesn't exist, the namespace will default to "default".

      # Namespace to query for pods.
      # Set this value to a specific string to override discovering the namespace using pod-namespace-path.
      pod-namespace = ${?MY_NAMESPACE}

      # Selector value to query pod API with.
      # `%s` will be replaced with the configured effective name, which defaults to the actor system name
      pod-label-selector = "app=%s"
  remote.artery {
    canonical {
      hostname = ""
      hostname = ${?MY_HOSTNAME}
      port = 2551

akka.management {
  cluster.bootstrap {
    contact-point-discovery {
      discovery-method = kubernetes-api

akka.management.http.port = 8558
akka.management.http.hostname = ${?MY_HOSTNAME}

For the discovery to work, the hostname needs to be the podIp. By enabling this plugin you don’t need to have this configuration in the deployment.


import kubeyml.deployment._
import kubeyml.deployment.api._
import kubeyml.deployment.plugin.Keys._

import kubeyml.roles.akka.cluster.plugin.Keys._

lazy val akkaClusterKubernetesSettings = Seq(
  kube / hostnameEnv := Some(EnvName("MY_HOSTNAME")),
  kube / namespaceEnv := Some(EnvName("MY_NAMESPACE"))

lazy val deploymentSettings = Seq(
  kube / namespace := "my-namespace",
  kube / application := "my-application",
  kube / envs ++= Map(
    EnvName("ANOTHER_ENV") -> EnvRawValue("something")
  kube / resourceRequests := Resource(Cpu.fromCores(1), Memory(512)),
   kube / resourceLimits := Resource(Cpu.fromCores(2), Memory(2048 + 256))

Notice that you don’t need to specify the liveness probe and the readiness probe. The AkkaClusterPlugin configures the following probes:

kube / livenessProbe := HttpProbe(HttpGet("/alive", 8558, List.empty), 10 seconds, 3 seconds, 5 seconds),
kube / readinessProbe := HttpProbe(HttpGet("/ready", 8558, List.empty), 10 seconds, 3 seconds, 5 seconds),

The plugin only depends on the deployment plugin. If you need this exposed via an ingress you need to configure that yourself.

Gitlab integration

Following the example in deployment you can modify the templates as below.

  stage: publish-image
      - sbt kubeyml:gen
      untracked: false
        - target/kubeyml/

  stage: deploy
  image: docker-image-that-has-your-kubectl-config
     - kubectl apply -f target/kubeyml/deployment.yml
     - kubectl apply -f target/kubeyml/roles.yml